
Professor Caught Plowing Student Over His Desk On University’s Snapchat

A reader of ours submitted the Snapchat video with the title “Alabama Teacher Caught Plowing A Student”

It turns out the professor seems to be from the University of Arkansas but he is for sure plowing a student on his desk.

“He will trade sex for grades” is what one of the comments reads on this professors “RateMyProfessor” page.

We would love to take credit and say our fan is the man! He sent this in and is the guy filming, but it looks like he just jacked the story from the guys at TotalFratMove.  And got the college wrong!

TotalFratMove wrote: “According to multiple tips we received over the past hour, a video has leaked that allegedly features a now former criminal justice professor at the University of Arkansas having sex on the desk of either a lecture hall or his office with an alleged student.”

The video that we can show is only 15 seconds long and missing the penetration… I KNOW, I KNOW, it sucks we aren’t Pornhub, as much as we would like to be. Lucky for you guys this thing called Google exists and your only a few searches away from action:

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